Coastal Mountains Land Trust Conserves First Preserve in the Town of Waldo

Coastal Mountains Land Trust acquired a very special property in the month of December as part of the Waldo County Conservation Initiative – an effort that launched in November 2022 with the goal of conserving open space in the 12 Waldo County towns served by the Land Trust for wildlife conservation, recreation, outdoor learning, and climate mitigation.

On December 13th, the Land Trust acquired its first Preserve in the Town of Waldo, a 119-acre property that is almost entirely forested with mixed hardwood and oak-pine forest stands, in addition to a small field located along Kendall Corner Road. With generous funding from the Maine Outdoor Heritage Fund, Davis Conservation Fund, Maine Community Foundation Land Protection Fund, and Ann and David Somers who donated a significant percentage of the value of this property, the Land Trust was able to purchase it and ensure that it remains undeveloped and available for public recreation.

The new preserve abuts the Waldo County Technical Center (WCTC), which provides career and technical education to area high school students. The preserve’s proximity to WCTC will provide opportunities for outdoor education – another big step forward in our Learning Landscapes work to connect students with nature. The preserve also hosts a quarter-mile section of the Hills to Sea Trail, a 47-mile path that winds its way from Unity to Belfast. Conserving another section of the trail will help to ensure the longevity of this important recreational community resource. The Land Trust plans to develop an additional 1.5 to 2-mile trail network for local users and integrate unique features of the property in the trail design, including an old stone-wall structure, known as the “town pound,” where residents would bring wayward cattle.

Led by Coastal Mountains Land Trust, the Waldo County Conservation Initiative is supported by a committee of 14 local volunteers who are working together to build a fund to support the acquisition and stewardship of priority open spaces. The Land Trust’s focus is to conserve properties of two kinds: land within large ecologically significant areas that preserve the most diverse ecosystems in our region, and special properties valued by our community, that provide for trails, access to lakes, rivers and the ocean, and spaces for outdoor learning.

There are many ways to get involved: make a gift to the initiative, volunteer to help spread the word, or learn more about the initiative by visiting one or more of the proposed projects with a Land Trust representative. The Land Trust invites members of the community who are interested to contact the Land Trust directly through its Development and Communications Manager, Tempe Landi, by email at or phone at 236-7091.