Enjoy these short videos about protecting special places in the Midcoast region, performances from our 2020 virtual Arts on the Hill music series, educational talks with the Coastal Mountains Nature Program speaker series, and comedic trompings with Matt!
- Arts on the Hill
- Bald & Ragged Mountains
- Beech Hill Preserve
- Belfast Rail Trail
- Camden Public Library
- Coastal Mountains Nature Program speaker series
- Conservation Video
- Espy Award
- Find Your Trail
- History of Coastal Mountains Land Trust
- Main Stream Preserve
- Maine Coast Heritage Trust
- McLellan Poor Preserve
- Newman Preserve
- Ragged Mountain
- Round the Mountain Trail
- St. Clair Preserve
- Stewardship
- Susan Alexander
- Trompings with Matt
Our Trust
CMLT Round the Mountain Collaboration
Round the Mountain Trail Story
Seven Generations
Increasing Biodiversity on a Landscape Scale – 1/20/2021
Belfast Rail Trail
Little Ragged Tract Acquisition
Lands Video